Hidradenitis suppurativa is a very painful disease, with inflammation, which occurs in the apocrine glands, that is, those that produce sweat. The affected areas can be underarms, groin, perineum, anal region, genitals, and scalp. Many times it is misdiagnosed or not detected when episodes are rare and the person tends to recover quickly. Few doctors are informed about this problem and when they encounter a serious case, they stigmatize the patient with antibiotics and steroids.

Hidradenitis suppurativa has a cure with our products.
We know the causes and the effects.

But this is a recurrent and chronic disease, cannot always be treated with drugs and although in 2008, undersampling in Europe and the United States, that one in 300 people suffer from this disease, although more than half remain almost always asymptomatic. In 2011, sampling in several countries indicated that there were less than 200 people affected, although most of them were mild.

A change of place is usually enough as a trip to warmer areas so that the patients return with abrasions, wounds that seem later infected by fungi, a lot of pain, itching, and burning. But the problem is not so much the etiological origin, but the microbiological complication, that is, the infections produced by bacteria and other microbes.

We have to look at the subject in depth to understand how and why it is cured with the use of the Pyramid Effect. So let’s look at the matter in its etiology. Doctors, please understand that this article is written for all public, so it contains the simplest expressions, avoiding or clarifying the very technical.  Read more…

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